DS Die Polishing Stone competes directly with another popular "die maker" stones. Slightly harder than our AM-2 product, this stone is a smooth cutting "general purpose" finishing stone that is economically priced when compared to our competitor's product. For best result and smooth surface finish use a lubricant with this stones! DS Polishing Stones are PRICED AND SOLD ONE STONE EACH.
Click here for Hand-held stone holder, the best Die Profiler stone holder, Die Profilers, Air operated filing machines, AS-9 EDM stones, Orange EDM stones, AM 8 EDM stones, AM 2 stones, Die stones, AO stones CS stones, CS M stones, CS HD stones, T2 stones, T4 stones, 900F stones, RO Rough-Out stones, Ceramic polishing stones, Abrasive ceramic pen, Polishing stone sample kits, Industrial bench & sharpening stones, Stoning Oil.
2 to 5 boxes (any size/grit in box QTY's) less 7%.
6 to 11 boxes (any size/grit in box Qty's) less 12%.
12 boxes + (any size/grit in box QTY's) less 17%
Please order in box quantities of 12 stones each, thank you.