Diamond Needle Files "tapered" with flat or round handles for use by hand or with filing machines permit filing of slots and ribs as narrow as .025 inch. Available in grit sizes 80, 120, 240, 320 or 400 grit, the files vary in width from 1/8, to 11/64 to 1/4 or 13/32 inches. Several sizes are available with diamond coating on "one side" only. Tapered diamond files are SOLD ONE DIAMOND FILE EACH OR IN OUR CONVENIENT 10 PIECE FILE SETS.
Click here to view or purchase Round handle tapered diamond files, Flat handle tapered diamond files,
Click here for other diamond files Tapered "short" diamond files for filing machines, Air operated filing machines.
1 Diamond File (or one set of 10 Files) less 10%
2 to 5 files (and/or sets) less 17%
6 files + (and/or sets) less 24%