DIAMOND FILES used with our filing machines

Diamond Files Short, tapered and designed for use with our "air operated" Files. Extremely practical they quickly install into the filing machines tool holders. The diamond coated surfaces of the file taper down from 1 mm to 0.5 mm and are variable in width. Available in 3 grit sizes 120, 150 & 200 grit. SOLD & PRICED INDIVIDUALLY.
For a specific type file click here Standard Diamond needle files and sets - 120 & 150 grit Round handle tapered diamond files, Flat handle tapered diamond files, Various shaped files for filing machines, Diamond riffle files for use with filing machines, Diamond riffle files for use by hand, Diamond "hand" files, 8 1/2"long,
Click here for related products Diamond grinding points, Diamond metal foil, Air operated filing machines, Flexshaft driven PBAX-3500 Die Profiler.
1 Diamond File, less 5%
2 to 5 files, less 10%
6 files +, less 15%