FELT BOBS -1/8,1/4, 3mm & 6mm shank

Shank mounted felt polishing bobs combined with polishing compounds will achieve a high quality surface finish on Molds, Dies, Jewelry and other metallic or ceramic like materials. Our Felt Bobs are made in the USA from pure white 100% wool felt (no imperfections) in hard, medium and soft density. PRICED ONE FELT BOB EACH, SOLD IN BAGS OF 3, 12 OR MORE PIECES PER EACH TYPE/SIZE.
Click here for 1/4 shank felt bobs, 1/8 shank felt bobs, Felt bob kits, 6 or 3mm shank felt bobs, Knive edge felt wheels, Square edge felt wheels, "Shank mounted" felt laps & plain felt sticks, Felt sheets & felt pads, Diamond compounds, Simichrome metal polish, Miniature polishing brushes,
3 Felt Bobs, net price
4 to 11 Felt Bobs (same size/type) less 8%
12 to 143 Felt Bobs (same size/type) less 16%
144 Felt Bobs + (same size/type) less 24%