COTTEN FIBER FINISHING POINTS - 1/8 Shank - Hard & Medium Grade

Cotton MX Fiber Finishing Points "Hard Grade" 1/8 Shank are the original MX Points (made in USA) consisting of laminates of non-woven abrasive cotton fabric that makes them ideal for deburring and smooth finishing work. The HARD grade "MX" points, especially the 80 grit wheel, can be used for light stock removal. The 120 grit wheels work well for deburring/polishing jobs. PRICED ONE EACH, SOLD IN PACKS OF 3, 12 OR 144 PIECES.
Click here for Cotton fiber MX points "Hard Grade" 3mm Shank, Cotton fiber MX Points "Medium Grade" 3mm Shank
Click here for related products RED Grade Mounted points, BLUE Grade Mounted Points, Diamond Grinding Points, Air Grinder-35,000 rpm, Air Grinder, 65,000 rpm, Air grinder - 60,000 rpm, Carbide Burs, 3 in 1 Filter/Lubricator/Regulator.
3 pcs. each, net price
6 to 11 pcs. (mix sizes) less 6%
12 to 143 pcs. (mix sizes) less 14%
144 + pcs. (mix sizes) less 18%
COTTEN FIBER MX FINISHING POINTS - Medium Grade, 1/8 shank : 1