CERAMIC POLISHING STONES for polishing minute slots, ribs and corners

Ceramic SUPER Polishing Stones consist of ceramic fiber strands uniformly disbursed in a matrix of thermoset resin. This unique combination provides good tensile strength and fast abrasive stock removal when surface finishing premium tool steel molds & dies. Ceramic Super Stones may be shaped to a point and still provide superior strength and cutting ability when polishing minute details like slots, ribs and corners without fracturing. We offer a variety of sizes & profiles ranging from 0.5 mm up to 2mm thick and 2, 4, 6 and 10mm wide. Round Stones such as a 3/32", 1/8" or 3mm Dia are also available. All grits are color coded for easy identification and range from 80 - 1200 Grit.
Click here to research or purchase Ceramic Super stones or Miniature ceramic stones with holders.
Click here for other ceramic stones Diamond Super stones, Crystal Fiber or Cristones, our lowest priced "UltraCut" ceramic stones,
Or related products Regular/conventional polishing stones, Polishing stone sample kits, Industrial bench & sharpening stones, Wet/Dry silicon carbide abrasive sheets, Hand-held stone holders, the "best" Die Profiler stone holders, Die Profilers, Air operated lapping/filing machines.
Range from 5% up to 20% depending on "type" and quantities purchased.
CERAMIC "UltraCut" our lowest priced ceramic stones : 1